Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012

How to install Solaris 10 using JET (Jumpstart Enterprise Toolkit) (SUNWjet) (Jumpstart)

in Jumpstart server
* Install SUNWjet
Copy JET-EIS.pkg.bz2 to the server (e.g. into /tmp).
#cp /tmp/JET-EIS.pkg.bz2
Unpack JET-EIS.pkg.bz2 file
#bunzip2 JET-EIS.pkg.bz2
install JEPT.pkg
#pkgadd -d JET.pkg 20

* setup NFS server
* edit file /etc/dfs/dfstab, below detail :
share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0 -d "JET Framework" /opt/SUNWjet
share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0
share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0
share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0 /export/install
* enable nfs server
#svcadm enble /network/nfs/server
* setup client
#cd /opt/SUNWjet/bin
#./copy_solaris_media -d target_dir -n osname media_dir
ex: #./copy_solaris_media -d /data/media -n sol10u20 /cdrom/cdrom0
#./make_template -A -E
ex: #./make_template -A sun4u -E 0:21:33:22:11:e M5000
note : see mac address client in ok prompt with command "banner"
* go to /opt/SUNWjet/Template
* edit template
ex : vi ../Template/M5000
* insert : IP address client dan hostnamenya di /etc/hosts ---> netmask should be same with IP server (infcofing -a)
* go to directory /opt/SUNWjet/bin
ex : #./make_client M5000
successfully if :

in Client

* In ok promt :
set value property "local-mac-address? false"
ok> setenv local-mac-address? false
set value property "auto-boot> false"
ok> setenv auto-boot? false

* For instalation process, type command below:
ok> boot net - install

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